

Network Outage

117 words by attila written on 2012-05-17, last edit: 2012-05-17, tags: outage, telmexPrevious post: Derivatives - The Unregulated Global Casino for BanksNext post: Network back... sorta

What the fuck. Our phone went dead, including dial tone and DSL, on the night of 1 May and has not come back as of 17 May. Telmex is beyond belief. We are finally online using a Huawei E173 3G USB Modem Dongle from MoviStar; it took some doing to get it to work under Linux, but now my little blue netbook is our wifi access point and gateway to the Internet. An extremely slow gateway... like it's 1983 again.

Just posting to mark this point in time. I wish there was more I could do about the problem but there isn't, and I've already had to do too much for STILL no win.

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