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Telmex upgrade sorta kinda

143 words by attila written on 2012-05-24, last edit: 2012-05-24, tags: mexico, outage, telmex â‹” Previous post: Network back... sorta â‹” Next post: The 'sunk costs' of a profit-driven prison system - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Rafael Carrillo, the manager at Telmex in Mérida that seems to have taken an interest in our case, promised me that he would look into increasing our connection speed. It appears he was true to his word. Our modem now reports that our line is configured for 2mbps down / 768k up as of two days ago; before then it had said 1mbps / 256k. Indeed both our speed and our latency appears to have improved, but there is still a fair amount of downtime. Today we had at least two outages longer than 5min and one longer than 10min. However, when it's up it's actually usable most of the day.

I'm amazed he did anything at all, honestly. I almost regret have allowed smoke to pour out of my ears while staring at him in his office last Wednesday. Almost.

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