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1655 words in 5 posts over 10 years, 45 weeks, 4 days
54 words by attila written on 2013-03-11, last edit: 2013-03-11, tags: hacking, pigs, rights, system
An open letter from bunnie author of Hacking the Xbox: | No Starch Press.
Well-written criticism of the US Justice system posed as an open letter where the author coincidentally states he and his publisher are making the electronic version of his book on hacking xboxes freely ... read more
58 words by attila written on 2013-08-26, last edit: 2013-08-26, tags: hacking, open-source, pigs, privacy, ratd, system
Hacktivists Want to Free the Net by Building a New One From Scratch | Motherboard.
See also: ... read more
201 words by attila written on 2022-02-15, last edit: 2022-02-19, tags: bsd, cli, hacking, ksh, linux, monitoring, shell, telmex
Sometimes you need an indicator light. I used to find them comforting on the computers of yore.
237 words by attila written on 2024-01-23, last edit: 2024-03-20, tags: adhd, carpal, emacs, hacking, rant
Yep yep yep yep yep yep yep just write me Beardo. Bardo. Yeah be more bardy Beardo. You're a Bard right?
Will it just spring into existence if I squint really hard?
Okay I'll just leave this here while nobody's watching and ... read more
1105 words by attila written on 2024-01-23, last edit: 2024-03-19, tags: emacs, hacking, personal, vi, vim, vimboi
Big news I'm sure the whole world over: I've ditched EMACS and run into the waiting open arms of vim.
It happened suddenly one night after mistyping M-C-S-t x i one too many times...
You know that one right? Sure sure... LITTLE BABIES know that ... read more