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Site last updated on 2025-03-21

Featured Posts

7230 words in 5 posts (out of 90 total) between 2022-02-11 and 2025-03-04 (3 years, 3 weeks)

Offline Search for Privacy

3074 words by attila written on 2025-03-04, last edit: 2025-03-18, tags: anticap, anticorp, google, offline, privacy, search, web

I want to talk a little about offline search and what it could mean for privacy online and in general and why I'm working on it and trying to get other people working on it.

The idea is simple: if your search drops no logs it is perfectly private. ... read more

Corporate Churn

1181 words by attila written on 2022-11-21, last edit: 2025-03-17, tags: ai, corp, dystopia, privacy, writing

The C-suite at ShinyPants.Fart just paid a $boatload of money to install a new AI and tweak its models to perfection.

The AI designed by ubusters.hope an Israeli firm is designed to maintain churn at the low-to-mid level employees for corporates of any ... read more

Too Much Karate in my Tai Chi

1493 words by attila written on 2023-01-04, last edit: 2023-02-03, tags: carpaltunnel, karate, martialarts, personal, taichi, writing

On the surface all martial arts might look like the same thing more or less: fight choreography and knowledge transmitted down the ages by various means evolved and influenced and mutated over time like everything else we do. Philosophically though I don't think they are ... read more

EMACS, be gone: I'm a vimboi now!

1105 words by attila written on 2024-01-23, last edit: 2024-03-19, tags: emacs, hacking, personal, vi, vim, vimboi

Big news I'm sure the whole world over: I've ditched EMACS and run into the waiting open arms of vim.

It happened suddenly one night after mistyping M-C-S-t x i one too many times...

You know that one right? Sure sure... LITTLE BABIES know that ... read more

Black Lives Matter

377 words by attila written on 2022-02-11, last edit: 2025-03-17, tags: blm, ftp, pigs

Black Lives Matter. You cannot be anti-fascist and support the police. You cannot be progressive without at least understanding and sitting with abolitionist thinking and the true history of the evil thing called Amerika. Defund the police is not just a slogan ... read more

Recent Posts

1922 words in 3 posts (out of 90 total) between 2017-05-25 and 2024-12-25 (7 years, 30 weeks, 6 days)

Goddamn Android, part I: Transfer All Thee Things

490 words by attila written on 2024-12-25, last edit: 2025-03-15, tags: android, shell, unix

Just a quick note while I'm still pxxsed and doing it: trying to get my pictures off of Android in a clean way is a fxxking mess and OK it's probably my fault. Because REASONS. Whatever. This is what I end up doing over and over: ... read more


1266 words by attila written on 2024-09-09, last edit: 2024-09-10, tags: dogs, fever, god, mystic, writing

I am tearing down a trail barefooted that I've been down a thousand times looking for my dogs. It is dark out pre-dawn I'm usually not in this place at this time and it all seems strange. The moon is up high ... read more

Why I Am Called Attila

166 words by attila written on 2017-05-25, last edit: 2025-03-19, tags: personal, writing

When I was young I had a lot of issues unlike now where I'm totally fine. Totally.

I was an overweight kid. I became a vegetarian and took up martial arts when I was 13 which turned me around a bit. A mother's friend gave me ... read more

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