

Archives: February 2022

2984 words in 6 posts


1572 words by attila written on 2022-02-20, last edit: 2022-02-23, tags: bsd, cli, monitoring, shell, ttyplot, unix

One of my tmux monitoring windows with ttyplots showing various network conditions

I live on the command line in text mode everything important is safely tucked away in tmux sessions on my laptop and various servers. As a result of this stubborn tendency I have naturally wasted a lot of ... read more

ksh Indicator Light

201 words by attila written on 2022-02-15, last edit: 2022-02-19, tags: bsd, cli, hacking, ksh, linux, monitoring, shell, telmex

Sometimes you need an indicator light. I used to find them comforting on the computers of yore.

House Cleaning

119 words by attila written on 2022-02-14, last edit: 2022-02-14, tags: blog, introspection

Okay so this is predictable: white dude hits his mid fifties and realizes what an axxhxle he's been. I almost don't have to write the rest of the post I'm guessing it's been done so many times. Maybe I'll just do it in abbreviated montage form: getting old... hadn't ... read more


828 words by attila written on 2022-02-11, last edit: 2022-02-23, tags: outage, telmex, writing

ssh has been red for 8 minutes 45 seconds. a little red square that says: ssh 8m45s in the middle of it. like some castaway or prisoner yeah better prisoner: let me be played by john casavetes please ranting but slowly ranting and raving and ... read more

Black Lives Matter

117 words by attila written on 2022-02-11, last edit: 2023-07-23, tags: blm, ftp

Black Lives Matter. You cannot be anti-fascist and support the police. Solidarity with Tyre Nichols his family and everyone protesting and opposing Cop City and all other pro-Cop projects. There are many donation links at the bottom of this page for ... read more

Heavy Seas

147 words by attila written on 2022-02-11, last edit: 2022-02-23, tags: cfe, outage, personal, telmex

fxxk everything. that's the main thing. fxxk EVERYTHING:

nyet weather

it has been almost 6 weeks since our dsl went out. we've had nothing but tethered internet over our phones. the signal is sxxt. the internet is sxxt. it was always sxxtty but now it's extra special ... read more

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